The KLEZMER-GESELLSCHAFT e.V. is a union of artistical amateurs, semiprofessional and
professional musicians as well as friends and patrons of mutual cultural and artistic
The KLEZMER-GESELLSCHAFT e.V. endeavours to take up and to support actual and traditional musical styles
of different cultures. The idea is, to allow a communication between different cultures and to
meet and to become acquainted with each other.
The KLEZMER-GESELLSCHAFT e.V. has been founded in 1990 in Berlin as a non-profit society.
Members are living in Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, France, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands,
Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and U.S. Also world famous clarinetist
Giora Feidman is one of approx. 150
members. The Klezmer-Gesellschaft e.V. is also represented in Buenos Aires.
Activities of the Klezmer-Gesellschaft e.V.:
- organizing workshops with Helmut Eisel, Giora Feidman, Katharina Müller and others
- realization of a number of concerts and seminars at "Haus der Kulturen" in Berlin in May ´92
- organization of a number of concerts at "Möwe" in Berlin (SEP-93 - May-94)
- organization of up to now 5 klezmer meetings in Erfurt
- concerts of the Klezmer Orchestra, conducted by Helmut Eisel in Berlin and Erfurt
- sampling and passing of informations, sheet music, literature
- making contacts
The founding members and several of other members got to know each other during workshops
with Giora Feidman. Since then there were many meetings. We shared our experiences and
got friends - no matter of great distances, cultural identity and social state.
At each of our meetings we experience, how fine it is, coming together, making new
experiences, meeting old friends and getting new ones. We are fascinated to have that
universal language: our music.
In 1995 the Klezmer Orchestra has been founded, in order to get together more regularly,
and, last not least, to play our music.
In the Yiddish language the word Klezmer stands for the musician. These musicians,
the Klezmorim, performed at Jewish weddings, Bar-Mitzvahs and other celebrations.
They usually were Jewish, but not necessarily. They usually played at Jewish celebrations - but
not only. And that was why they integrated into their repertoir the traditional music
of their surroundings.
The style of playing and the repertoire are characterized by both the tradition, vivid
modifications and new perceptions. That is exactly, what we now call klezmer music.
The word klezmer comes from the Aramaeic kli (=vessel, instrument) and zemer (=song).
You may interpret this word as "the musician sings with his instrument". Amateurs are
able to do this as well as professional musicians. Everybody is born with a singing
talent! That´s our point of view of klezmer. We favour our style of playing this music
rather than a big repertoire.
If you´re interested in making music with us, working with us or supporting us, please
contact one of the following persons:
Klaus Kossmann Tel.: x49 (0)30-8012484 Fax:x49 (0)30-8021528 |
Tania Kune Tel.: x49 (0)511-282394 |
Gerhard Hess Tel.: x49 (0)30-6142722 |
For kind grants we keep an account with:
Postgiro 58-100
BLZ 100 100 10
"Kapitel 1700" Senatsverwaltung Berlin für die Klezmer-Gesellschaft e.V.
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